
Briccia, Celtic allies of Rome

The Celts/Gauls Cenomani, the men that walked from far (*keino-far,*men-walk), named Briccia the village where the Alps meets the big Po Valley. Briccia was a big village that had not yet seen big temples nor […]


Braveheart in Bresciano – El Coragius

Different population, ethnicities, and cultures have fought for their independence and rights to be free to be what they are. Braveheart is the story of the Scottish independence. We have El Coragius. Fabio Volo is […]


Bronze Age: Brescia and Ligurians

Among the first civilization of Italy and Europe during the bronze age we find the Ligurians. The Ligurians are a broad ethnic group defined by the explorations and travels of ancient Greeks in the Mediterranean […]

Brescia - Our Land

An overview of Brescia

Why dedicate a whole site on one city that most of the people have not heard about? What makes this particular city in the northern part of Italy so unique? Why is this website called […]