
Briccia, Celtic allies of Rome

The Celts/Gauls Cenomani, the men that walked from far (*keino-far,*men-walk), named Briccia the village where the Alps meets the big Po Valley. Briccia was a big village that had not yet seen big temples nor […]


Bronze Age: Brescia and Ligurians

Among the first civilization of Italy and Europe during the bronze age we find the Ligurians. The Ligurians are a broad ethnic group defined by the explorations and travels of ancient Greeks in the Mediterranean […]


Lake Garda and Catullo

Lake Garda can be found on the eastern side of Brescia’s province. The Lake is the largest Italian lake and beloved by many. All over the world people mention Lake Como as a fabulous lake; […]


The Ghost Piazza Rovetta

This is the first of some amazing history videos in Italian and Bresciano by Roberto Capo and Enrico Fappani. The videos walk you around the city and its province narrating incredible stories from the past. […]


A quick intro to the history of Brescia

It might be impossible to find out who the first inhabitants of Brescia were. There are plenty of traces of human settlements in the province, but inside the city limits. The origins of the city […]